In the spring of 2024, dvdp won the architect selection for the transformation of the Cubicus building on the UT campus. This transformation concerns a unique structuralistic and complex building, designed by Leo Heijdenrijk from Environmental Design between 1969-1970, completed in 1973, after a dramatic fire in 2002 it was partly possible to preserve and reuse it, now to acquire municipal monument status. This transformation is both about making a faculty building usable and pleasant – the future user is the Faculty of BMS (Behavioral, Management and Social Sciences) - as for protecting and strengthening the architectural and cultural significance of this post-war Dutch architecture. Increasing transparency and spaciousness in the interior and making the landscape staging of this building in its changed setting are at the heart of the design task.
Client: Universiteit Twente, dienst CFM.
Design: dvdp (architectuur), Dijkoraad (installatieadvies), Brons (constructieadvies), Peutz (advies brandveiligheid en bouwfysica)
Photo: copyright Universiteit Twente